Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to all my Mom friends! I love being a Mother, some say it's a thankless job, but I do not agree. My family lets me know they appreciate me and love me daily. I know that I'm fortunate and I thank God that he blessed me with my family.

Scott woke up, he brought breakfast up to bed and we spent time together before the boys were up! We let them sleep late, so it was nice to have the alone time together. Yes, Mothers Day can be romantic!!! I loved my cards, the boys cards are almost always funny, which I love since I know they put the time into it to pick them out. The card from Scott was funny this year, but what he wrote on it was romantic and from the heart. It was the best of both worlds! I was pleased with all the gifts! The boys wrapped their gifts themselves, even picked out their own wrapping paper. It's interesting to see what kind of wrapping paper each of them picks on their own. It gives you a window into their own style. They even had bows to match, their wrapping skills have come a long way over the years, I was impressed. While I loved what the boys picked out. My favorite gifts were from Scott, I love Philosophy!!!! He remembered that I wanted Pure Grace, so he gave me the fragrance and body lotion! He is tricky! He always tapes like crazy and makes you work to get into your presents! I thought I was going to have it easy when I saw the gift bag, but he had wrapped them before putting them in the gift bag!! He also gave me the Coconut frosting shower gel as well. (What I love about Philosophy is that its actually shampoo, shower gel and bubble bath. Makes your hair smell SO good! If you haven't tried it, you are missing out!) I was thrilled. Yes, I could buy those things for myself if I wanted, but there is something special about getting them as gifts.

I took a LONG afternoon nap, which was great. I had a horrific migraine yesterday, it ran into the wee hours of the morning. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. So, one of the best things about today was that the migraine let up so I could truly enjoy Mothers Day, Praise God for that!!!

We even made some plans for next year, we plan on having a Mothers Day brunch at our house. We will be more than settled in the new house and living close to part of my family. Instead of sending flowers, we can give them in person! Creating new traditions in our new home.

Mothers Day to me isn't just about the gifts, it's about being with the family. I love being appreciated of course, who doesn't? It's nice to have a day dedicated just to thanking you for being a great Mom. I'm fortunate that I have a family that thanks me everyday. I feel loved, not just today, but everyday and that is important!

*The photo is from the internet and not one we took.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet family you have to do that for you. Happy belated Mother's day!
